Profitable sustainability
It's a common misconception that sustainability is costly. This is not true for our floor drain. Saving energy in the shower is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption. The industry needs a new standard.

PhD in Energy Engineering

Improved energy calculation
Up to 40% of the energy demand of newly built buildings is washed down the drain.
I think a strong argument is that the energy declaration and energy performance compared to BBR is improved. This means that the value of the property increases, which should be interesting even for those property owners who do not borrow money.

Reduced operating costs
Enduce E1 recovers up to 75 % of the heat from the shower water that would otherwise be lost.
The fact that the entire investment can easily be paid for by increased leverage that comes from increased net operating income is fantastic. This means that you can both increase the yield and improve your environmental footprint without it costing capital.

Reduced carbon footprint
With the Enduce, you can both increase your yield and reduce your carbon footprint.
The fact that this type of product has an environmental product declaration is unique - I have never come across it before. The analysis shows that buildings can drastically reduce their energy consumption, save money and at the same time contribute to reducing environmental and climate impacts.

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You are welcome to contact me!
Alexander Teir
079-103 56 56