A new standard.
Every time you take a shower, a large amount of heated water goes down the drain. With our floor drain, you can recover up to 75 % of that heat energy - automatically and completely unnoticed.
As energy-efficient and natural as triple glazing. A new standard, quite simply.
The Enduce floor drain tackles the single biggest energy burden in households. Much has been done in energy efficiency, but unfortunately the norm is still that we flush hot water energy straight into the sewer network without recycling. A new standard is needed.

Technology and product manager at Enduce

Property owner
Future-proof your property. Choose Enduce to improve net operating income, energy performance and sustainability. Read more...

plumbing company
Give your customer something better. Choose Enduce to deliver a robust and cost-effective solution to your customers. Read more...

Consultant / Projector
Achieve the project objectives. Choose Enduce to meet climate impact and energy performance requirements. Read more...

Product information
Enduce E1 is a robust and passive floor drain, designed to provide maximum benefit at all stages. It meets the requirements of the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building regulations and has undergone rigorous testing to several standards, confirming its durability, hygiene, legionella safety and building safety. Comprehensive information on the product's climate benefits, function and installation is available to facilitate calculations and installation.
How Enduce E1 works
The Enduce floor drain recovers heat from the shower water through a highly efficient heat exchanger integrated directly into the shower floor drain. As used shower water flows through the heat exchanger, the heat is transferred to the incoming cold water of the shower, which is preheated. This means that significantly less hot water needs to be added when showering, reducing energy and hot water consumption by up to three quarters.
Unique to the Enduce E1 is its passive function - heat recovery takes place completely without pumps, sensors or other electronics. No replacement filters are required either.

Learn more at our webinars
Welcome to our open webinars where we present Enduce E1. During 45 minutes you will get a deeper understanding of our solution and the opportunity to ask questions.
New! We now offer webinars with different focus areas. See which ones interest you most via the link below. A warm welcome to you!
Enduce in the media

Smart floor drain recycles 75% in the shower

Umeå company raises capital for its energy-efficient floor drain

Umeå company saves the environment from the shower - "Just in time"

Innovative research in focus - spin-off companies in final for top prize

9 questions: "We have developed new prototypes, installed and continued to shower"

The scientists' revenge! Why nerds have become the hottest thing in town

Final party for 33 companies that want to change the world - "I get hopeful"

They produce the world's most energy-saving floor drain