Backflow protection

Both the cold water connection and the hot water connection to the Enduce floor drain are designed to ensure safe connections to the water supply systems in accordance with the requirements of SS-EN 1717 by, among other things, being equipped with type-approved backflow preventers. The location and protection level of the backflow preventers are verified by RISE with regard to applicable standards and industry regulations.  

Detailed information: Domestic applications are a special case in EN 1717 for which the requirement for backflow protection for liquids in category up to category 5 is taken into account, corresponding to liquid categories 2 to 3 for the rest of the standard. For the Enduce solution, this means that it is sufficient to supply hot water via a protection unit of design EB (non-controllable spring-loaded check valve) upstream of the shut-off valve used to operate the hot water during hot water cleaning. The hot water connection is normally also protected from backflow via an air gap between the floor drain liquid level in the water trap and the hot water nozzle in the heat exchanger circuit. The non-return valve for the cold water supply is located at the connection point between the cold water network and the floor drain. Both cold and hot water have corresponding double protection levels for backflow.   

Article updated on 2024-09-23.

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Henrik Hagman

Technology and product manager
070-947 57 43

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