For property owners

Shower floor drains with 75 % energy recovery.

Profitable sustainability

Are you a property owner looking for efficient ways to reduce operating costs, while contributing to a more sustainable future? Congratulations - you've found the right place! 

Enduce E1 recovers up to 75 % of energy during showering, resulting in significant economic and environmental savings. Reduced operating costs, improved net operating income, higher property value. In addition, better energy performance, reduced environmental footprint and positioning towards both green loans and environmental certifications. 

It's a common misconception that sustainability is costly. This is not the case for our floor drain. Saving energy in the shower is among the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption, and it also future-proofs property owners against price fluctuations in the energy market. The industry needs a new standard.

Thomas Holmberg på Enduce
Thomas Holmberg
Enduce AB
Improved energy calculation

In newly constructed buildings, domestic hot water accounts for a significant share (35-45%) of the total building energy use for heating.

I think a strong argument is that the energy declaration and energy performance compared to BBR is improved. This means that the value of the property increases, which should be interesting even for those property owners who do not borrow money.

Reduced operating costs

Enduce floor drain E1 recovers up to 75% of the heat from the shower water - valuable energy that would otherwise be washed down the drain.

The fact that the entire investment can easily be paid for by increased leverage that comes from increased net operating income is fantastic. This means that you can both increase the yield and improve your environmental footprint without it costing capital.

Reduced carbon footprint

Enduce can increase yields and reduce carbon footprint without costing equity. Contact us to find out more.

The fact that this type of product has an environmental product declaration is unique - I have never come across it before. The analysis shows that buildings can drastically reduce their energy consumption, save money and at the same time contribute to reducing environmental and climate impacts.

Calculate the savings

Use our value calculator to estimate the impact of Enduce floor drain on your property. 

With Enduce E1

Reduced operating costs
Energy saving
CO2 reduction
Repayment period
Energy cost for the shower
Economic returns
Improving energy performance
kWh/m2 Atemp

Adjusting parameters

I want to calculate the energy savings from outside:
Hot water heating
Energy cost (average over time)
Design of the shower area
(energy loss)
Domestic hot water consumption
1000 kWh/person/year
Accommodation per shower room
Share of hot water for showering
Total household shower time
Water flow in the shower
Shower water temperature
Cold water temperature
Hot water consumption
kWh/m2 Atemp
Surface area Atemp
Share of hot water for showering
Number of shower rooms
Hot water consumption
kWh/m2 BOA
Surface area BOA
Share of hot water for showering
Number of shower rooms
Energy cost for shower without Enduce
3 600 SEK/year

Contact us about your project

We are happy to help with specific calculations for a property, both new construction and renovation. Get in touch with us to take part in our in-depth value calculation.

questions and answers

Enduce gives immediate effect and is a long-term solution, which continues to pay off over time. In addition to money and new business opportunities, we save on the earth's and society's resources.

In residential buildings, tap water is one of the biggest energy wasters - the heat goes straight down the drain. With Enduce, up to 75% is recovered, which greatly reduces operating costs. For an apartment building, this can mean a reduction of over 10% for the entire property.

The large energy savings in the projects contribute to opportunities for green loans, procurement benefits and meeting industry regulations and environmental directives. Wise environmental choices also strengthen your employer brand and make the property more attractive to the end customer.

You are welcome to fill in your request via this link. Of course, you can also contact us directly. Contact Aleksander on 079-103 56 56 or



Enduce E1 is designed to work according to the standards and is also tested in the same way as other similar products. The floor drain is based on proven technology adapted to modern bathrooms and with solid know-how from research and industry. It is a robust, wear-free product with clear installation instructions, tested over 10,000 times.

The Enduce floor drain recovers the heat from the shower water, it is easy to install and easy to keep clean. It is a new standard for floor wells.

The integrated plate heat exchanger ensures that valuable energy is not flushed down the drain. Instead, the outgoing shower water is used to heat up new water, in a hygienic and robust system.

With the Enduce floor drain, 71-75 percent of the energy is recycled (verified by RISE 2022). That is more than any other solution on the world market can perform today.

Otherwise, Enduce is just like any other floor drain. It fits in most bathrooms, is easy to install and easy to clean for the end user. Read more here.

Feel free to visit ours FAQ for answers to more frequently asked questions and in-depth information.

Porträtt av Henrik Hagman på Enduce

Henrik Hagman

Technology and product manager
070-947 57 43

Porträtt av Aleksander Teir på Enduce

Alexander Teir

Technical seller
079-103 56 56

Learn more in our webinars

You are welcome to learn more about Enduce E1 during our open and regular webinars. For about 45 minutes, we will tell you about our solution, the technology behind it and answer your questions. 

You can also book an individual meeting with us to discuss a specific project or issue.


How you design the shower area and where you position the shower room ventilation are important factors that influence how energy efficient and comfortable the shower experience will be.
According to the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building regulations, the contribution of energy-saving technologies to improving energy performance may be included in the calculations based on the technology's demonstrated energy savings.
Enduce E1 reduces hot water consumption (the energy used to heat hot water), which is by far the biggest environmental and climate impact of showering.
The solution's operating principle is that the energy in the continuous flow of shower water is heat exchanged against the continuously incoming cold water.
The floor drain is also designed to be fully repairable. This means that all internal and moving components can be replaced if something breaks.   
The connection of the waterproofing to Enduce E1 is done via traditional clamping frame connections for either waterproofing foil for tiled floors, or for plastic carpet.