Project planning
Enduce E1 är en robust och passiv golvbrunn, designad för att ge maximal nytta i alla led. Den uppfyller kraven enligt Boverkets byggregler och har genomgått noggranna tester enligt flera standarder, vilket bekräftar dess hållbarhet, hygien, legionellasäkerhet och byggnadssäkerhet.
Omfattande information om produktens klimatnytta, funktion och installation finns att tillgå för att underlätta beräkningar och installation.

Product information
Assembly instructions
Bjälklagsinstallation, tätskikt och invändigt montage.
Instructions for use
Use and cleaning.
Reports and certificates
Declaration and analysis
eBVD - Byggvarudeklaration
Terms and Conditions
Refers to business orders
Consumer and online shop terms and conditions
Refers to purchases by private individuals
common questions
Calcareous water does not have a problematic impact on the floor drain either on the gray water side (used shower water) or the tap water side.
A hot water-based cleaning system heats, melts and flushes greasy deposits out of the heat recovery system's heat exchanger.
Enduce E1 meets the requirements of the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. To date, the technology has been used over 15,000 times.
More than 96% of resource consumption is used to heat shower water, while water use accounts for only about 4%.
The floor drain is designed to be fully repairable. This means that all internal and moving components can be replaced if something breaks.
But it is perfectly possible to take a cold shower. When you adjust the mixer to colder shower water, less hot water is mixed into the shower water and less heat is transferred from the outgoing shower water to the incoming cold water.